Embrace Ancient Healing Knowledge to Modern Times
Aromatic Therapy 1:
General Theory & Chemistry of Essential Oils
(40 contact hours)
This is an introduction to essential oils - botanicals such as trees, roots, leaves, fruits, grasses and flowers that are distilled or extracted producing an aromatic liquid substance.
These concentrated oils—the lifeblood of the plant—are far more valuable to humans than just pleasing aromas.
The healing properties of essential oils have long been known in ancient times spanning from Egypt to India and China. An effective way to use essential oils is through the skin because it leaves no toxins like their medical drug counterparts.
Level 1 covers the theoretical part of the certification program.
Course material:
The main text for this course is Dr. Stewart's groundbreaking, most comprehensive chemistry book ever compiled on essential oils. It's easy to follow and comprehend.
This book will enlighten and entertain you while demonstrating, by the chemistry of essential oils, 'that God's power and divine nature can be seen through the things he has made.' (Romans 1:20) Based on both science and scripture, this book reveals the harmony between the two.
Dr. Stewart describes the relationship between the material world and the spiritual world to explain how oils bring healing. It contains analyses of more than 100 essential oils cross indexed by more than 40 tables containing more than 600 compounds.
Level 1 is divided into three parts: theory, chemistry and practical issues
Part 1 - Theory:
This part introduces essential oils, and covers the following areas:
Indications and contra-indications
Social and legal ramifications in practicing aromatic therapy
History of essential oils-aromatics
Purity of essential oils
Methods of obtaining-distillation/harvesting
Methods of application
Massage-carrier oils and their use
Part 2 - Chemistry and Science of Essential Oils:
This part teaches the basic science and chemistry of essential oils, exploring the active constituents in healing and in simple applications of the oils.
Part 3 - Practical First Aid Applications
Self and client hygiene
Factors contributing to poor health and application of essential oils: Simple first aid tips for the home.
What is trauma? What is stress?
The major role of trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
New - Exploring PTSD with energy psychology and aromatic application
Trauma questionnaire
Techniques in releasing trauma effectively
"The approach to teaching chemistry is wonderful. The experiential learning really helped to consolidate and deepen the process."
- Dr. Lucille Necas MD., Toronto, Ontario, Canada