TFH – Touch for Health™ Courses
TOUCH FOR HEALTH Touch for Health™ Course Syllabus as approved by the International Kinesiology College Touch for Health™ Level 1 (15 hours)
Opposing Muscle Theory/Triangle of HealthAccurate Muscle TestingSwitch On – K27, CV24 & GV27, GV1+NavelWater Check/ Central Meridian Check / PermissionsCross Crawl for Fun
Neurolymphatics Neurovasculars General Meridian Massage Origin/Insertion Technique Bilateral Muscle Correction Technique Challenging Emotional Stress Release Strengthening with Foods Visual Inhibition & Auricular Exercise Surrogate TestingSimple Pain Techniques – running meridians, feathering Posture Awareness, Goal Balancing14
Muscles: Supraspinatus Teres Major Pectoralis Major Clavicular Latissimus Dorsi Subscapularis Quadriceps Peroneus PsoasGluteus Medius Teres Minor Anterior Deltoid Pectoralis Major Sternal Anterior Serratus Fascia Lata
TOUCH FOR HEALTH Touch for Health™ Level 2 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1Pre-tests and Corrections using Circuit Locating Golgi / Spindle Proprioceptors Acupressure Holding Points, Yin/Yang Balancing using Wheel Alarm Points – Over Energy Law of Five Element Theory ESR for Future Performance Meridian Massage Cross Crawl for Integration Cerebro-Spinal Technique Food Testing Neurolymphatic Release 14 More Muscles: Neck Flexors Brachioradialis Middle & Lower Trapezius Rectus Abdominus SacrospinalisIliacus Piriformis Adductors Sartorius Popliteus Rhomboids Middle Deltoid Quadratus Lumborum
Touch for Health™ Metaphors Workshop (15 hours)
Make Touch for Health balancing more Fun, Profound, Effective and Meaningful. Using Supportive Dialogue, Positive Goal-Setting and Creative Visualization, access Mental/Emotional and Sensory/Associative aspects of Memory, Posture & Energy to make your TFH balancing more profound, effective and meaningful. Efficiently utilize the 111 metaphors in the new TFH Pocketbook with Chinese 5 Element Metaphors to feel better and to gain new insight and enthusiasm for your life. Adding the Metaphors of Organ Function & Muscle Anatomy/Function/Action, we have 111 distinct images that can be dynamically incorporated into our balancing sessions. Touch for Health™ Meta-Instructor Training (15 hours) Open to anyone who has taken TFH 1, 2 and the Metaphors. Only Certified TFH Instructors may teach the TFH Metaphorsand provide the official International Kinesiology College certificate. Designed for TFH Instructors who wish to also teach the standard 2-day TFH Metaphors workshop. Many avid students of TFH also attend this course to deepen their knowledge of TFH, Effective Communication & Dialogue for Goal Setting, and exploring Metaphor to deepen self-knowledge and effectiveness of TFH balancing. Touch for Health™ Proficiency Assessment Workshop (15 hours)​ This is a 2-day Workshop where you will work with other TFH’ers who have completed the TFH Synthesis (1-4). Completing a review of all the TFH material, receiving time for further practice, and experiencing a written and a practical assessment will put you on solid footing to share TFH. This workshop is a pre-requisite to entering the Instructor Training Workshop in Canada. In some countries it is an entry-level qualification for entering their professional associations.
Touch for Health™ Level 4 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1 to TFH 3Figure 8 Energy Five Elements and Meridian Review Five Element Emotion Balancing with Sound Acupressure Holding Points in Depth Luo Points Time of Day Balance Postural Stress Release Neurolymphatic Release Posture Analysis 42 Muscle Balance Head to Toe
Touch for Health™ Metaphors Workshop (15 hours)
Make Touch for Health balancing more Fun, Profound, Effective and Meaningful. Using Supportive Dialogue, Positive Goal-Setting and Creative Visualization, access Mental/Emotional and Sensory/Associative aspects of Memory, Posture & Energy to make your TFH balancing more profound, effective and meaningful. Efficiently utilize the 111 metaphors in the new TFH Pocketbook with Chinese 5 Element Metaphors to feel better and to gain new insight and enthusiasm for your life. Adding the Metaphors of Organ Function & Muscle Anatomy/Function/Action, we have 111 distinct images that can be dynamically incorporated into our balancing sessions. Touch for Health™ Meta-Instructor Training (15 hours) Open to anyone who has taken TFH 1, 2 and the Metaphors. Only Certified TFH Instructors may teach the TFH Metaphorsand provide the official International Kinesiology College certificate. Designed for TFH Instructors who wish to also teach the standard 2-day TFH Metaphors workshop. Many avid students of TFH also attend this course to deepen their knowledge of TFH, Effective Communication & Dialogue for Goal Setting, and exploring Metaphor to deepen self-knowledge and effectiveness of TFH balancing. Touch for Health™ Proficiency Assessment Workshop (15 hours)​ This is a 2-day Workshop where you will work with other TFH’ers who have completed the TFH Synthesis (1-4). Completing a review of all the TFH material, receiving time for further practice, and experiencing a written and a practical assessment will put you on solid footing to share TFH. This workshop is a pre-requisite to entering the Instructor Training Workshop in Canada. In some countries it is an entry-level qualification for entering their professional associations.
Touch for Health™ Level 4 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1 to TFH 3 Figure 8 Energy Five Elements and Meridian Review Five Element Emotion Balancing with Sound Acupressure Holding Points in Depth Luo Points Time of Day Balance Postural Stress Release Neurolymphatic Release Posture Analysis 42 Muscle Balance Head to Toe