Embrace Ancient Healing Knowledge to Modern Times

Aromatics 4-A: Spiritual Healing
(40 contact hours)
This course examines the Judeo-Christian tradition - the roots of healing with essential oils, other ancient spiritual traditions that used prayer and anointing with essential oils.
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" - Proverbs 23:7
Spirituality, faith and belief
History of the Biblical oils
Healing qualities of spiritual applications prayer, meditation, power of intent
The role of historical figures and healing with oils
Healing the heart and soul using heart-centered techniques
Heart-centered blessings with the oils for the sick and dying
The power of prayer in anointing the body
Predictions and prophecies - role of essential oils
Mystery school teachings and revelations for our time
The exploration of vibrational frequencies, color, sound and laying on of hands, to boost enlightenment with the biblical oils
Aromatics 4-B: Advanced Bodywork Techniques
(30 contact hours)
This new addition to our program teaches some advanced techniques in body work.
Here is what is covered in this 3 full-day intensive course:
Advanced raindrop technique
Coccyx correction
South American healing traditions
Auricular technique for emotional issues oils applied to the ear lobe
Application of the Oils of Ancient Scripture for anointing and healing
"This course opened up a new level of thinking - it broadened my horizons. It opened my eyes as to many other things to look at in expanding my horizons. It is fantastic! I would recommend this course for everyone." - Paul Winkler, Garnavillo, Iowa, USA More testimonials . . .
Oils of Ancient Scripture is basis for this course
The Ancient Scripture collection of oils allows our students to quickly access the main biblical and vedic essential oils used at that time for anointing, holy incense and spiritual purposes. These precious oils were also used in ancient times as a first resource for their medicinal to maintain wellness. There are over 188 biblical references in the Bible to the use of essential oils.
As pointed out in the Bible about Myrrh, one of the most famous oils. "Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds.” aloes, about a hundred pounds.”
Myrrh was needed by God for the holy anointing oil that Moses was given in Exodus 30:23. Esther bathed in myrrh for six months prior to her marriage to the king.
​Enjoy learning more about each of these precious oils. Below is an overview given on the site of each oil.
We cover much more and many ways to use these oils, including the Raindrop Technique spiritual anointing.

Ancient Scripture Essential Oils
Get to Know The Ancient Scripture Oils
Cassia: Cassia was a key ingredient in the incense used in temple worship. (Psalms 45:8)
Cedarwood: The cedars of Lebanon were acclaimed for their durability and used to build Solomon’s famous temple. (1 Kings 4:33)
Cistus (Rose of Sharon): This rock rose has a sweet, honey-like scent and may be the flower referred to as the Rose of Sharon. (Song of Solomon 2:1)
Cypress: This oil is extracted from the cypress tree, which has wood so durable that the cypress doors of Rome’s St. Peter’s Basilica show no sign of decay even after 1,200 years. (Isaiah 44:14)
Frankincense: The Hebrew word for frankincense, levonah, is used in the Bible 22 times, and frankincense is one of the most recognized substances in scripture. (Song of Solomon 3:6)
Hyssop: Biblical references to this plant indicate that it was likely used in practices and rituals intended to purify and cleanse. (Psalms 51:7)
Myrrh: One of the key ingredients in Moses’s holy anointing oil, myrrh was highly regarded by Biblical figures such as David and Solomon. (Proverbs 7:17)
Myrtle: Sukkot, commonly translated as the Feast of Tabernacles, includes myrtle branches in its ceremony. (Nehemiah 8:15)
Onycha: Onycha was an ingredient in the “pure and holy” perfume or incense the Lord commanded Moses to make. (Exodus 30:34)
Sacred Sandalwood (Aloes): Believed to be obtained from fragrant sandalwood, aloes were a gift Nicodemus brought to Jesus. (John 19:39

Did you know this about Myrrh?
"Myrrh was another highly prized aromatic substance mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. According to Proverbs 7:17, King Solomon perfumed his bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.......
The Arabian people of antiquity used myrrh for a variety of skin conditions. Myrrh was also used traditionally on the umbilical cord during birth."
D. Gary Young 2010
What's truly amazing about Gary's story was how he shared it with us in Egypt ( I was on that trip). He used myrrh on his newborn son's delivery, Jacob, when he anointed the umbilical cord with Myrrh oil!