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AromaLux- State of the Art Diffuser - Uplift & Power Up Your Space


The AromaLux diffuser was developed by D. Gary Young, which also features the ancient science of BioGeometry by Dr. Ibrahim Karim. The diffuser utilizes shapes that enhance and harmonize the energy field in the surrounding space.

It was designed to bring harmonic balance and calm to the body and mind, as well as to support new levels of well-being.

The essential oils diffused in this diffuser will be enhanced to deliver the benefits even more than normal. This diffuser is the most unique, special diffuser you could ever own and use. The video below outlines some key features of its design and how best to use it.

Diffuser with geometric shapes

Bio-Geometry® is a design language founded by Egyptian architect, scientist, professor, inventor Dr. Ibrahim Karim.

AromaLux- Unique Qualities

Bio-Geometry® is a design language founded by Egyptian architect, scientist, professor, inventor Dr. Ibrahim Karim. It involves a practical application of a new science, called the "Physics of Quality." It uses specially designed energy principles of shapes, color, sound, motion and wave configurations to qualitatively balance and benefit all living biological systems and harmonize their interactions with the environment.

Easy to order your own

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